Gateway Pundit has a hilarious article over on his site where he tries to draw a comparison of the mess between the failed Project 9-12 rallies that were held on Saturday and the inauguration of Barack Obama last January.
He has a picture of a pristine park with a few old folks milling about from the Project 9-12, and then attacks liberals for the disaster area that remained after the crowds left on Inauguration Day.
Just one tiny problem...Gateway Pundit is working with the patently absurd claim that there were two million protestors at Glenn Beck's rally, when in fact there was far less than 100,000.
Inauguration Day, in contrast, actually did have numbers approaching two million, and is believed to be a record for any event held in Washington, DC.
It's strange that he would post a picture of a nice field and claim that conservatives are opposed to littering, and not actually show a picture of the piles of trash from the cute little rally:

And Gateway Pundit is such a partisan hack that he cannot even imagine that anyone other than those nasty liberals would attend the inauguration of a President of the United States of America. A good conservative always places party above country, right?
Matt Yglesias of the Center for American Progress makes an excellent point about the source of discontent among those at the 9-12 rally...They don't seem to really have a purpose:
As was the case with the bulk of the protesters, there was very little sense that anyone had any actual specific complaint with Obama’s health care proposals. That one woman loves the confederacy. This guy thinks guns are great and diversity is stupid. Many protesters feel that abortion is murder and/or that Barack Obama is in league with terrorists. But nobody had a sign urging the president to adopt more stringent cost control measures, or slamming the concept of regulations to require insurers to cover people with pre-existing medical conditions.
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