Saturday, September 12, 2009

Americans Blame Republicans

The big news the last few weeks has been how the Obama administration was falling apart, and that everyone is freaking out and flocking to the Republican opposition.

Ignore the fact that the A SUPER-MAJORITY of Americans think a public option is important to any health care plan. Ignore the fact that the opposition is arguing against things that don't even exist. Ignore the patently absurd claim by Republicans that they are concerned about out of control spending.

Instead, look at one of the polls causing this "Obama in free fall" media theme...The poll asked more than one question, and while Obama has certainly taken a hit, he's not taking the blame for the problems in the health care debate.

That honor goes to the Republicans.

Who, coincidentally, are not trusted with health care reform. And are viewed favorably by the lowest numbers since just before they were routed in the 2006 elections. Nearly twice as many Americans think Obama is trying to work with Republicans than think the opposite (59% to 33%). A plurality of Americans also think that Obama is moving at the right pace with health care reform, and a VAST majority want reform now.

One in four Americans think that Republicans have the best ideas on health care, compared to 55% for Obama. One in four Americans still liked Bush at the end of his term. These folks are not going to EVER support anything from a Democratic proposal from a Democratic president.

Republicans, once again, are out of touch. I just wish the media would catch up.

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