Voting to allow a debate was more than enough to freak out Republicans.
Straight away on Monday, Rush Limbaugh called her a prostitute.
Glenn Beck, already having a history of calling women he disagrees with prostitutes, joined in on the action multiple times in one day, calling her a "high-class prostitute" on his radio show, and then saying on his FOX News broadcast that "We know you're hooking, but you're just not cheap."
This meme also not-so-surprisingly found it's way over to Mark Halperin's blog over at Time. With a "funny" spin on the scene from "There's Something About Mary" where Cameron Diaz mistakes semen for hair gel. This memorable scene:

became this:

Get it? It's funny because she's a woman! And clearly, if you disagree with a woman, it must be because she has semen in her hair.
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