They are apparently so convinced of the sheer horror of this scene, that they are unashamed to post video of the incident.
The scene starts with someone from the union laying on the ground with a guy standing over him. At :06, the victim who is causing all this stir hits the ground, and he's back on his feet at :09. The extensive injuries to his "knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face" are entirely unnoticeable as he walks closely to the camera a few moments later (Around 1:00).
Regardless, the lack of visible injuries didn't prevent him from seeking hospitalization. And below is a picture of how he showed up at a rally the following day:

FireDogLake found the following subtitle of this picture at a conservative site:
Although he was too weak to speak after his beating on Thursday, black conservative Kenneth Gladney attended the event. Kenneth was beaten, kicked and called racist names by Russ Carnahan's SEIU supporters after a town hall meeting on Thursday
Okay, now here's the kicker. According to the St. Louis Dispatch, he doesn't have health care after recently losing his job, and is now soliciting donations to cover the expenses from his medical bills.
Apparently, the "victim" *IS* insured, after all. He is simply unemployed, but has insurance through his wife. Why would his lawyer be soliciting donations in order to pay for his medical bills if he has insurance, you ask? It's because his private is so awesome that he needs to beg.
Also, it appears that his lawyer was actually a witness to the event, and may be the one shouting "They attacked him!" in the video. This is just like a soap opera.
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