Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rick Sanchez Blasts Health Care Reform Opponent

CNN's Rick Sanchez tears into one of the leading voices against any health care reform, Rick Scott. This "concerned citizen" who "just wants people to read the bill" has been accused of buying up local hospitals and closing all but one. He denies that accusation in the report, but then defends the action as something that happens every day.

Most interestingly, Rick Scott's company was fined $1.2 billion dollars for taking advantage of Medicare and Medicaid. Sanchez said that "Some would argue, and it would be hard to say they're wrong, that you would be the poster child for everything that's wrong with the greed that has hurt our current health care system."

In order to defend himself, Scott pointed out that other companies also received fines. Sanchez's response?
"How much more wrong can you be than what you just said? Not only is your company screwd up, and you just admitted to it, but you said look at all the other companies, they did the same thing. It doesn't look like a sterling system we have here, does it?"

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