Friday, August 14, 2009

Republicans Were For Death Panels Before They Were Against Them

**UPDATE** Amy Sullivan of TIME Magazine points out that 204 Republican Representatives and 42 Senate Republicans voted for funding the same end of life issues and care that they are all up in arms about now, including Senator Grassley. Genuine concern? My ass.

Maddow had a great segment The Rachel Maddow Show tonight about the fake controversy over the end of life counseling that was in the bill, and how it's most vocal opponents have until very recently all been for this exact same thing.

What really grinds my gears are the phony folks who claim they don't actually believe that the bill creates "death panels,' but they do fear it is one possible outcome of that language.

Clearly, people who say that are idiots.

It authorizes the government to pay for consultation! To pay. Not to require. The government has been suggesting these living wills for decades. The language in question was introduced by a Republican. Based on language from another bill introduced in 2007. By two different Republicans.

Once Obama comes into the picture, then it becomes a death panel?!

Appendectomies would also be covered by this legislation. Why aren't people freaking out that the government is trying to steal the appendices of Americans?! Because it's ridiculous and doesn't make any sense.

Just because something is covered does not make it a requirement. My insurance covers abortions, and yet I've not yet been forced to have one.

The folks who are feigning concern over this are being intellectually dishonest at best, and are complete morons at worst. If you want to attack this proposed legislation, there are plenty of opportunities. But please choose a problem that actually exists, and then maybe we can work together to resolve it.

Read. THEN attack. It's better for us all.

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