The whole point of his post is to somehow suggest that all the crazy folks at town halls are plants from Nancy Pelosi and are designed to make Republicans look like wackos. The evidence? This guy:

From The Blogprof's point of view, the Democratic Party is so well organized and so manipulative that they are willing and able to plant protesters across the nation comparing their party leader to Adolph Hitler all in an effort to make Republicans look stupid.
I have many problems with this assertion, but perhaps the most obvious one? If this is some organized campaign from the Democrats to make Republicans look bad, I believe that the Democrats would at least remove the advertisement for from the bottom of the poster. Not doing so makes the LaRouche folks look crazy (which they are), not the Republicans.
The simplest solution? This guy is a LaRouche fan, and he is a wacko. LaRouche hates Obama, and LaRouche hates government health care. Doesn't seem controversial that a LaRouche supporter would be there. Nor was he portrayed as a Republican in the media coverage, but only as a protester.
But blaming Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats gives Republicans the feeling that they are somehow exempt from this craziness. In order to do that, they need to ignore the fact that people cheered this guy's poster when he came into the town hall room. And just because THIS guy isn't a Republican, doesn't mean that Republicans wouldn't make any Nazi comparisons. In fact, Boss Limbaugh did just that on that same day. Is Rush in Pelosi's pocket, too?
By painting that Obama-as-Hitler poster guy as a plant from the Pelosi's office, it allows Republicans to not take this stuff seriously. You can witness the immediate effect on The Blogprof's page when he updates that same post with the news of this vandalism:

His response to the vandalism? "Hmm. Another plant? This kind of thing has happened before (noose, Columbia). I doubt very much it was a protester."
No matter what happens, it's all gonna come down to the Democrats and their plants.
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