People standing up and pointing to the Bible and screaming "This is the one true law," demanding to see birth certificates, and yelling over the congressman when he's trying to explain his actual position is not conducive to a debate.
Health care reform is a huge task, and it needs to be debated. The proposed plans are not perfect, and with discussion over legitimate complaints, it could be exponentially better for the welfare of the nation. Unfortunately, that's not at all what is happening across the country. Instead of legitimate points, everyone is screaming about imaginary death panels and euthanasia for America's disabled.
Jay Inslee's telephone town hall on August 5th, however, was excellent. There were no mobs shouting down dissent. Constituents were able to ask questions of the Congressman, and he was able to respond to their concerns. It was a discussion addressing valid concerns, and should serve as an example for how the discussion should be conducted.
Contrary to Reagan's claim, facts are not "silly things" and should be foremost in any discussion on health care, and not an irrational fear that the President Obama wants to kill your mom.
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